LEGO Therapy: How to Build Connections with Autism -Brick by Brick

LEGO Therapy: How to Build Connections with Autism -Brick by Brick


LEGO Therapy: How to Build Connections with Autism -Brick by Brick

Brick Club
Brick Club


The journey of supporting children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) takes many paths, but few are as innovative and engaging as LEGO®-Based Therapy. This therapy, more than just child's play, has been effective toolkit for inclusion and autism o improve social and communication skills for those with ASD. The origins of LEGO®-Based Therapy are rooted in a significant need – the scarcity of effective social development programs tailored specifically for children with ASD. Developed through meticulous observation and outcome research, this therapy has reshaped the landscape of intervention strategies. Unlike conventional methods, LEGO®-Based Therapy taps into the intrinsic interests of children with ASD, leveraging their natural affinity for structured, systematic play. As we explore the nuances of this unique therapeutic approach, we’ll discover how it transcends traditional boundaries, offering a more engaging and positive experience for its participants. This article aims to unfold the story behind LEGO®-Based Therapy, illustrating how it evolved from a simple concept to a clinically effective tool for enhancing social competence in children with ASD.

Here are some common question regarding Brick Club for Schools.

What is Brick Club ? How is it helping autistic children with social skills?

Brick Club is a social development program that uses LEGO® bricks as a tool to enhance social and communication skills in children, particularly those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In these clubs, children engage in structured group activities centered around building with LEGO®. This collaborative play encourages them to practice skills like turn-taking, verbal and non-verbal communication, joint attention, and teamwork. For children with ASD, who often face challenges in social interactions, Brick Club provides a familiar and engaging environment to develop these essential skills in a fun, non-threatening way. The LEGO-Based Therapy groups were referred to by participants, parents, and providers as the “Brick Club,” but this has no relationship with LEGO® Group.

Is Play Brick Therapy cost-effective for schools to run?

Yes, Play Brick Therapy, like LEGO®-Based Therapy, is generally cost-effective for schools. The initial investment mainly involves purchasing LEGO® sets, which are affordable and reusable. While there may be some costs associated with training staff to facilitate these sessions, the long-term benefits of improved social and communication skills in students, particularly those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), often outweigh these expenses. Additionally, the therapy can reduce the need for more intensive, costly interventions, and it requires minimal space, typically utilising existing classroom areas. Overall, its scalability and the positive impact on student outcomes make it a financially viable option for schools.

Can Brick Club be integrated into a regular school curriculum, and how does it benefit all students?

Absolutely, Brick Club can be seamlessly integrated into a regular school curriculum, offering benefits to all students, not just those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In a Brick Club, students engage in collaborative LEGO®-based activities, which are excellent for fostering teamwork, creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills. For students with ASD, it provides a structured environment to improve social interaction, but these sessions are equally beneficial for neurotypical students, as they promote inclusivity, empathy, and understanding of diverse needs. Incorporating Brick Club into the curriculum can enhance the overall learning experience, providing a hands-on, interactive approach to developing essential life skills in a fun and engaging way.

Brick Club Poster
Brick Club poster


In conclusion, LEGO®-Based Therapy stands as a testament to the power of innovative thinking in the realm of autism support. Its development, driven by the pressing need for effective social development interventions, has opened new avenues for children with ASD to explore and enhance their social and communication skills. What sets this therapy apart is not just its use of LEGO® bricks, but its underlying philosophy – understanding and leveraging the unique ways in which children with ASD interact with their world. Through this exploration, we’ve seen how LEGO®-Based Therapy has effectively bridged the gap where traditional methods may have faltered, offering a more engaging and positive intervention. As this therapy continues to evolve, it promises to remain a vital tool in the arsenal for supporting social competence in children with ASD, showcasing the endless possibilities when play and therapy merge harmoniously.

To know more about Brick Club and Play Included visit